Pilots of WWII Online: The long-awaited, long-hated, Fishbowl effect when flying is on its way out! Coming soon you will experience a seamless generation of terrain and an optimized horizon to create a more authentic and immersive experience.
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Players who have extended view distances should see a noticeable improvement even on the ground. We looked a bit at fogging and streamlining that as well.
Development of WWII Online continues and we're working to target longstanding player concerns that have admittedly taken a bit longer than desired.
We are also focused on our new pilots and what we often see is they try to pull up, and smash into the hangar or a tree due to lack of airspeed.
Coming Soon: Default RPM speed of all aircraft will be set to "MAX RPMs". We believe this will result into less crashing, happier new and existing player experiences, and faster take-offs.
Please consider subscribing to further bolster our development efforts, as we are 100% community-funded at https://account.wwiionline.com/login.
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